
Oncimmune, a global leader in immunodiagnostics and (auto) antibody biomarker profiling & discovery in immuno-oncology, autoimmune and infectious diseases. Through its ImmunoINSIGHTS™ technology platform, the company provides insights to discover and validate novel biomarkers, improve treatment responses and adverse event (irAE) prediction, patient screening and diagnostic accuracy. Oncimmune is headquartered in the UK with operations in Germany and USA.

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X Account

The Science Behind

Company Profile

The Science Behind Limited specialises in delivering cutting-edge neuroscience technologies and capabilities tailored for early-phase clinical trials focused on neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system disorders. Our team develops multimodal solutions, integrated into complex clinical trial designs to cost-effectively leverage central nervous system measures, and provide unparalleled objective insights into physiological responses to drug effects.

Company Type


ViaNautis swas spun out of UCL from the laboratories of Prof. Giueseppe Battaglia in 2018. 

Following a successful, oversubscribed late seed funding, the company now works from labs at the Babraham Research Campus. The company’s proprietary technology, PolyNaut® can be applied to both clinical and non clinical/ex vivo products.

ViaNautis works with pharma and biotech partners for innovation and problem solving in neurology, oncology and immune diseases. Our partners Abcam PLC market and develop non-clinical products.

Company Type
X Account